With or without foam?

Hi Everybody,

The Zim Alabama is docked in Yantian Harbor, Shenzhen.  There’s a Starbucks less than a mile away from the dock.  I’m picturing the captain walking down the gangplank thing, strolling over to Starbucks and ordering a Venti Soy Latte (with or without foam, I’m not sure.) He gets a 20% discount because of his maritime attire (he’s wearing his captain’s hat of course.)  He then sits and enjoys his tasty beverage while our enclosures are loaded on his boat…

Confirmation that the enclosures are onboard and headed to the US should come next week.

It’s been a quiet week, just the hushed sounds of software development.  If you haven’t done so already, go ahead and update your Vizy software and check out the Birdfeeder application.  The docs were posted on Monday.  We’ll be releasing another update next week with some bug fixes and video recording functionality added.  Have a fantastic week!

The Vizy Team

Manufacturing(ish) update (week 8)

Hi Everybody,

Hope all’s well out there, just a quickie update this week.  If you’re just tuning in, we’ve been waiting on the 2nd shipment of enclosures, which are waiting for a boat to come along to take them to the US.  And we’ve secured booking on a worthy vessel, but it won’t sail until later this month with an expected arrival on November 20th.  (And why do they call it “sailing”?)

In the meantime, we’ve been putting together Vizy subassemblies so that we can kick things into a higher gear when we do get the parts.   And we’ve also made good progress in the software department — in particular, the Birdfeeder app.  Well… as of yesterday, it’s up!  You can update and give it a try if you like, but we’re a bit behind schedule and don’t have documentation ready yet, but who needs documentation?   (The documentation will be ready Monday 10/18.  Using the Birdfeeder app is fairly straightforward, but getting the Google Cloud configured might be challenging without some guidance.   Still, several of you have given the app a try and initial reviews are positive.)

We’ll keep on rolling with the software development (and documentation) next week.  Please share your initial Birdfeeder impressions with us and the community over at the forum, but maybe wait a few days for the documentation.  See you soon!


The Vizy Team

Manufacturing(ish) update (week 7)

Hi Everybody,

Not much manufacturing took place this week because we’re waiting for parts, but along those lines, we were able to get more information on our boat.  We’re booked on the Zim Alabama, a handsome vessel with a carrying capacity of 71112 long tons, which should be plenty of capacity for our enclosures.

As you can see I spent some time geeking out over this — you can actually track its journeys online (You have to pay to get the most recent information — maybe there’s a tier where you can goose it to go faster?  We’re investigating…)

This week we made significant progress with the software, checking off several tasks required for the Birdfeeder application.   And we did some fleshing-out of the documentation (check out the new “Digging deeper” section.)  Some have asked about the Power Board API, you can check out the docs here.

That’s all for now… next week will continue our focus on software and documentation.   Many thanks for your patience.

Share your thoughts, concerns, and questions below, or let’s meet over in the forum and discuss.


The Vizy Team

Manufacturing update (week 6)

Hi Everybody,

For those just tuning in, we’ve shipped backer rewards up to backer number 275, with some fulfillment hiccups (see below).  But we’ve run out of enclosures, so we’re waiting for the 2nd shipment of enclosures, which requires a boat, and boats are hard to come by these days.

So… do we have a boat?  Short answer: yes, and the shipment is booked on a boat with an October 18 departure and a November 20(ish) arrival.   (Yay?  Not exactly great news…)

Longer answer: do you ever call the help line of a large company, and the person on the other end says they can’t answer your question or solve your problem, so they transfer you to another department?  And that new department can’t answer your question either, so they transfer you to yet another department?  This can go on and on…  Sometimes you wind up being batted back and forth between two departments, each of which assures you that the other department has the information you so desperately need or can solve the problem you so desperately need to solve.  Is there a word for this?  I call it frustrating as heck.  It’s what we’ve been facing — the enclosure vendor says that they can’t pay freight until they get a booking on a ship.  And the freight forwarder says they can’t get a booking until freight is paid.  Freight costs have increased substantially since we paid freight back in November 2020 (about 200%), which might be part of the rub.  At any rate, we’ve been able to straighten out the freight charges and we’ve been told that the enclosures are booked on an October 18 shipment.  October 18 is not quite good news, but maybe it’s the best possible news under the circumstances.   So with the Thanksgiving season, pumpkin spice, and hope in the air, we may finally get our enclosures — a full year after we ordered them.  Maddening…  and this assumes there won’t be additional delays.  It’s frustrating for you, the backer/customer, and it’s expensive for us.  Here’s really hoping we get past these supply chain issues soon.

Software and scheduling

In the meantime, we’ll be pushing software and documentation.  We’ve revised the live schedule to reflect both fulfillment and software efforts.  Much of the application development will entail bringing over older code, cleaning it up, and getting it to run with the latest code and libraries.   Since much of the code is already written, it will help speed things along, but software schedules can be tricky.  Any changes in the estimates will be reflected in the schedule and future updates.

The application poll is still gathering votes — please weigh in if you haven’t already.  The initial results aren’t too surprising — Birdfeeder,  Motionscope, Astronomy, and Pet Companion (in that order).  And feel free to suggest other applications either by replying to the thread or creating your own topic.  This will inform our efforts after we develop these initial applications.  Here at Charmed Labs, one of our favorite ideas is an application that estimates where your golf ball will go based on its trajectory immediately after being hit — you know, for a Vizy-based golf simulator.  Another favorite is an application that will estimate the speed of passing cars and take a picture of any speeding car’s license plates and upload the pictures to the cloud for others in the neighborhood to see (and possibly shame) — an automated neighborhood speeding vigilante if you will.  Let’s meet over at the forum and discuss more.

Fulfillment hiccups

After much back and forth with Amazon, we got almost all of the fulfillment orders unstuck, except for a few, which we resubmitted.  This gave us the confidence to upload the rest of the batch.  So if you’re a US-based backer with backer number 136 through 275, you should be receiving an email soon from Amazon.  Thanks for your patience.

That’s all for now… see y’all next week!


The Vizy Team